From this data we can clealry see the age range of our target auience will be from 13-18 year olds. So our media production will have to target this age group according to our market research.
From this data we can see there is a near equal balance of females and males. Our media production will be generally aimed at males due to the production consisting of male actors and being produced by a male group.
From this data we can see that the two genres that are the most popluar are Hip-Hop and R&B. This fits into our media production as the genre our track is a R&B-Hip-Hop song.
From this data we can see the locations most popluar are rural and urban. This helps us to fit our track into a suitable location that our auience feel would be most fitting.
From this data we can see our auience feel that i clear balance of narrative and performance will make a good music video.
Arjan, A reasonable effort.
ReplyDeleteTarget: Step up your game and include more of a range of media formats. You must show more evidence of research and planning.